Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I couldn't do it

When I was taking the big step of ordering digital cable the other day, I told the Comcast representative I could install the cable box myself. I saved $20 doing it that way instead of having the service rep do it, and I was completely confident that I could manage it.
Last night, I sat down and got down to business. To my surprise, the only "instructions" provided were - a diagram. It showed the back of a DVD player, the back of a cable box, and the back of a TV, with wires going into and out from them. None of my equipment (including, incredibly, the cable box) looked anything remotely like anything in the picture. I peered, scratched my head, tried one configuration, tried another. At one point I even got a screen full of programming code.
I just couldn't believe it. Was I really going to fail this task completely? I set up my own Internet configuration, for God's sake. Was a mere cable box going to prove my undoing?
Two hours later, disappointed and incredulous, I put the box on a shelf and surrendered. I found myself sourly recalling the following poem that Stephanie and I used to quote when we were kids:
The Thing That Couldn't Be Done
Somebody said that it couldn't be done --
But he, with a grin, replied,
He'd never be one to say it couldn't be done --
Leastways, not 'til he'd tried.
So he buckled right in, with a trace of a grin,
By golly, he went right to it!
He tackled The Thing That Couldn't Be Done!
...And he couldn't do it.
Update! I got home from work and learned that the DVD player no longer has sound. So not only did I fail at setting up the cable box... I killed my DVD player, too!
But don't feel too sorry for me on that score. I just happen to have a new one arriving in the mail tomorrow. How perfect is that?
It's an early birthday present from my fabulous parents. See, I am just stubborn enough about relinquishing old technology that I asked for a DVD/VCR combo, which frankly I'm surprised they even make any more. And, as it happens, that's arriving tomorrow. I have to say, I had no idea I would be wantonly destroying the old one on such a perfect schedule.
And I have sent out a cry for help to Andy, who is going to help me set it all up tomorrow night. And then maybe we can all just sit down and watch some TV.
Or a DVD.
Or - a VHS tape!