Monday, July 20, 2009

Here's to manipulation

My mother often lets me in on interesting tidbits she reads about in the news, and recently she had this little anecdote for me:
Here's a news story especially for you and Scott: Sussex University has completed a study which shows that cats manipulate people. That special purr they make when people pay attention to them? That is specifically to say, "Now I'll make this attractive sound, and they'll think I love them, and they'll continue to feed me." The story was even on TV news, with Sussex people holding adorable kittens who were purring like mad. So, now you know that you are being manipulated.
I responded that I am more than happy to be manipulated. I don't expect people who are indifferent to feline charms to understand this, but the fact is, when Nigel reaches out a paw and gently touches my cheek while gazing into my eyes with his earnest little face, I don't care what his motivation is. I'm a goner either way!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

King Alan

For many years, I have heard about "the lawn" at "Pine Knob." Now I have experienced it! We went to see Alan Parsons there Friday night. I particularly loved when they would turn a worshipful white spotlight on Alan himself. In middle school, my best friend Silvia and I listened to her brother's Alan Parsons Project albums for hours, methodically deconstructing the lyrics. So, sitting there on the lawn, I knew every line of every song they played! Which means everyone around me had to hear me bellowing along, too.
1970s/80s progressive rock still lives!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A virtual tour of my new apartment!

Just click here! When you get there, click on the next picture at the right to advance to the next picture. I wrote captions!
If you just want to see the slideshow ('cause after all, you're not quite as excited about all this as I am, I would think), then click here and to heck with the captions. :-)