Sunday, July 20, 2008

Let it rain!

Well, it was hot. It was steamy. There were humming crowds of hungry mosquitos. And it rained. It seemed as though it rained every ten minutes.

But we just got filthy and sticky and bug-spray-y and happy anyway. Scott cooked up bratwurst and beans for dinner, even though there was a massive downpour the minute he threw the brats on the fire. We weathered several rainy periods in the tent, which, considering I got it for free from a company gift catalog last year, held up beautifully throughout all that rain. I fell asleep to the rattling of rain on the tent roof, and while there may have been a few stray drops that got in, I woke up dry.

The batteries in the camera, of course, turned out to be dead, as was my phone, almost. But just before the phone died, we managed to get two photos of the very damp but cheerful campers.