So rarely do I ever buy shoes that I find I must celebrate by posting a picture of my new purchases on my blog.
Fig. 1a
Look at that! One pair of groovy boots, one pair of Sensible Work Shoes (Dockers, as a matter of fact - what could be more Sensible?)... and one pair of very silly shoes with a very silly number of buckles..
Fig. 1bThis would have been a major stimulation of the economy if it weren't for the fact that I have huge feet, so my size is always on clearance. I got all three for a measley sixty-eight bucks. For three pairs of new shoes!
I am thoroughly pleased with myself.
Thank you, DSW.
Postscript: One of these days, I will use my blog for some loftier purpose than posting pictures of balloons and shoes. But for now, I am so like omigod and stuff.