Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Space Age is here!

If you read science fiction when you were a kid, you probably remember reading scenarios where astronauts - and maybe even regular, everyday people - ate pills instead of food. Vegetable pills. Steak pills. Dessert pills.

Anyway, that's what some people foresaw as our culinary future.

Well, the future is now. Look what I bought yesterday at the food co-op!

That's right! Fruits and vegetables in a pill! Look at that: "One tablet = One serving of fruits and vegetables."

Jackpot! No more feeling guilty about not eating as many fruits and vegetables as I should. What the heck! I'll simply take a pill!

The box says each supplement contains a "proprietary phytonutrient blend of wild blueberry extract, grape and grape seed extract, raspberry and raspberry seed extract, cranberry, prune, tart cherry, wild bilberry extract, strawberry, artichoke, beet, blueberry, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, kale, parsley, spinach, and tomato."

Isn't that great? That's broccoli and spinach and prunes that I don't have to eat!

Of course, it also says that "it is not intended to wholly replace fruits and vegetables in your diet," but it probably has to say that, right? I think I'll just ignore that part.

Welcome to the Space Age.