First of all... all hail my Glaswegian stylist. The extraordinary Penny took this shaggy disaster -

- and replaced it with this easy, breezy knockout of a haircut:

My mother called it "nothing short of miraculous." After that, I felt I could freely run around New York City like the fabulous creature I now was. And what a week! I have loads of photos (thanks, Dad!), and here are just a few:
It was an adventure. There was much running about and sightseeing, but there was plenty of relaxing, too. Penny and I loved having our little kitchenette in our room at the Radio City Apartments: after a while, we felt like native New Yorkers, shopping at the supermarket and whipping up late-night snacks at home.
And let's not forget the stage shows! We saw "Mamma Mia!" (I'm still humming ABBA tunes), and we saw Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit" with none other than Angela Lansbury and Rupert Everett. In both cases, though they couldn't have been more different, there was one common denominator: I had a huge grin plastered across my face the entire time.
It was terrific.
As it happened, I was slated to attend a training session in Radnor, Pennsylvania, the day before my family was to disperse back to our homes in Copenhagen, Glasgow, and Ypsilanti - so I just took a train from New York City to Ardmore and a taxi to Radnor. The rest of the team met up with me there and we had a pretty great few days: lots of learning during the day, plenty of refreshments at night. We managed to get into Philadelphia a couple of times, too. I tried not to sing songs from 1776 to my colleagues, but failed. I can't help it. I sing!
And finally, after that, I got home. Couple days at work, and now the weekend. I've stepped off the rollercoaster ride that started when my mother arrived in mid-March. I loved every second of it: her visit, the trip to the Big Apple, and my little business junket. But it's also pretty spectacular to be home again.
And tomorrow - off to Livonia!